Amen to all of that. I gave up : processed food, alcohol, and having non-enlightened people on my friend's lists. And despite being at the bottom of the poverty level; and living in the 'ghetto'/'hood , I have never been happier. Curate your friend's lists on social media and in IRL is the first thing I suggest. Get rid of anyone denying what is really happening. Even if that means get rid of everyone. I have joy for the first time in my life just from stepping outside of what capitalism expects from me
Thank you for your beautiful quote-worthy sentences that helps me crystallize those hazy ideas in my head that I could not verbalize due to my lack of eloquence!
Nice prose! I think you may enjoy the last book I read, for both the similar, blistering prose and he substance (explaining cultural decline): ‘Amusing Ourselves to Death’ (Neil Postman)
I’m going through the same existential crisis but I’m also choosing to eat a healthy diet and exercise.
I strongly disagree with your insinuation that people should not ever be prescribed anti depressants because anxiety is something we should all be experiencing because of overshoot. I’m assuming that you don’t have issues with people using weed or psychedelics to treat anxiety and depression so you clearly think anti depressants are evil despite the fact that they have saved many lives including my own and scientists have discovered that SSRIs enhance the effects of weed and psychedelics
I am on the same page with you. I corrected all but 1 issue with my health via diet & exercise (*hypothyroid-- I take one pill and that's all the pills I take). I had: GERD, depression, psoriasis, crippling anxiety, low motivation, no energy etc. (all these things are gone now-- noticed yesterday the psoriasis was absent entirely!)
Now: perfect blood panel , perfect BMI, everything is within good range. I eat no processed foods (except rare occasions , maybe 3x a year), drink only heavily diluted organic apple juice and I walk 3-6 miles a day. I got rid of every person who denies the truth and I have never been happier, it's lonely but I am full of love and joy for the first time in my life.
I absolutely refuse to go back to the life Capitalism laid out for me! I will not swallow chemical laden pills with a thousand side effects when I can fix it my damn self
> be nice to an animal
yep, and don't eat it in the first place
Amen to all of that. I gave up : processed food, alcohol, and having non-enlightened people on my friend's lists. And despite being at the bottom of the poverty level; and living in the 'ghetto'/'hood , I have never been happier. Curate your friend's lists on social media and in IRL is the first thing I suggest. Get rid of anyone denying what is really happening. Even if that means get rid of everyone. I have joy for the first time in my life just from stepping outside of what capitalism expects from me
Thank you for your beautiful quote-worthy sentences that helps me crystallize those hazy ideas in my head that I could not verbalize due to my lack of eloquence!
This was so affirming, thank you. I definitely hugged by baby horse and my old dog today❤️
Nice prose! I think you may enjoy the last book I read, for both the similar, blistering prose and he substance (explaining cultural decline): ‘Amusing Ourselves to Death’ (Neil Postman)
I’m going through the same existential crisis but I’m also choosing to eat a healthy diet and exercise.
I strongly disagree with your insinuation that people should not ever be prescribed anti depressants because anxiety is something we should all be experiencing because of overshoot. I’m assuming that you don’t have issues with people using weed or psychedelics to treat anxiety and depression so you clearly think anti depressants are evil despite the fact that they have saved many lives including my own and scientists have discovered that SSRIs enhance the effects of weed and psychedelics
I agree with everything else you have said
I think you're reading too far into my discussion on whether anxiety right now is rational or not.
I support the use of SSRIs for people that find them helpful (though I do not).
I am on the same page with you. I corrected all but 1 issue with my health via diet & exercise (*hypothyroid-- I take one pill and that's all the pills I take). I had: GERD, depression, psoriasis, crippling anxiety, low motivation, no energy etc. (all these things are gone now-- noticed yesterday the psoriasis was absent entirely!)
Now: perfect blood panel , perfect BMI, everything is within good range. I eat no processed foods (except rare occasions , maybe 3x a year), drink only heavily diluted organic apple juice and I walk 3-6 miles a day. I got rid of every person who denies the truth and I have never been happier, it's lonely but I am full of love and joy for the first time in my life.
I absolutely refuse to go back to the life Capitalism laid out for me! I will not swallow chemical laden pills with a thousand side effects when I can fix it my damn self